Engine Factory produces services & different  spare parts that serving petroleum &electricity companies co-operatively with the biggest companies working in the same field with the objective of widening local manufacturing by using reverse engineering method, the factory has already performed overhaul & repair process for the following engines

Overhaul & repair turbines used in electricity power generators & petroleum companies.

Overhaul & repair of engine type KC 501 / KB 501.

Overhaul & repair of FRAME 5 & FRAME 9 of General Electric co.

Producing the expansion turbines for petrochemical companies.

Manufacturing of different pumps, gears& drive shafts for petroleum oil companies.

Manufacturing pipes& injectors for petrol pipes companies

Repairing of some other parts as shafts & axis using plasma spray.

Manufacturing of gas collectors, combustion chamber, bearings, turbine injectors and compressor blades.

Overhaul of gas compressor for Egyptian petrochemical companies.

Manufacturing, overhaul & repair pumpsparts as blowers, shafts, movement conversion for different petroleum companies.