Cooperation of the AOI and the Saudi Waja Group To create a joint venture company to manufacture electric cars


The successful steps of the Arab Organization for Industrialization are still continuing to strengthen partnerships with sisterly Arab countries, in accordance with a clear vision pursued by the AOI to attract investments and increase export rates, as they are among the pillars of the national economy and the engine of the state’s sustainable development, in

accordance with Egypt’s Vision 2030.


In this context, a cooperation agreement was signed between the Arab Organization for Industrialization and the Saudi Waja Group, for joint cooperation in manufacturing, selling and marketing electric cars within the Egyptian market and exporting abroad.

During the agreement signing activities, Major General. Engineer Mokhtar Abdel Latif, Chairman of the Arab Organization for Industrialization, expressed his appreciation and pride in this cooperation with the Saudi Waja Group.

He explained that areas of cooperation include establishing a joint company for the purpose of producing and manufacturing electric cars, to meet the demands of the local market and export to Arab and African countries.
He pointed out that production will take place in two stages, the first stage inside one of the factories of the Arab Organization for Industrialization, to manufacture models of electric cars suitable for the Egyptian market and export abroad in cooperation with major international companies and to benefit from the advanced manufacturing capabilities of the Arab Organization for Industrialization, in accordance with international quality standards and at competitive market prices.
He added that the second phase begins with the completion of the construction of the new company's factory and the installation of production and testing lines.

  For his part, Mr. Ibrahim Abdellah Abdul Salam, Chairman of the Saudi Waja Group, expressed his appreciation for this cooperation with the Arab Organization for Industrialization, which has a pioneering historical role that we are proud of in all fields of industry since its establishment, praising the AOI’s commitment to all international quality standards from Through its distinguished experience in implementing various industrial and economic development projects.