Chairman of the AOI and President of the Arab Academy for Science, Technology and Maritime Transport emphasized the importance of building capabilities and enhancing industry

Major General. Engineer Mokhtar Abdel Latif, Chairman of the Arab Organization for Industrialization, expressed his pride in the cooperation and joint integration with the Arab Academy for Science, Technology and Maritime Transport, to implement the directives of President Abdel Fattah El-Sisi to transfer and localize technology in the areas of digital transformation, developing training systems, capacity building and development. Human cadres in the field of information and communications technology and artificial intelligence to meet all the requirements of the future of the national industry and promote innovation.


This came during the activities of the sixth session of the Academy’s Industry Advisory Council, which was held at the headquarters of the Arab Academy for Science, Technology and Maritime Transport in Alexandria, under the title “The Journey of Development and Excellence, Building Capacities and Strengthening Industry and Innovation through Training.”


During his speech, Major General. Engineer Mokhtar Abdel Latif reviewed the efforts of the Arab Organization for Industrialization in various fields of industrial renaissance in accordance with Egypt’s vision for sustainable development 2030, indicating that the Authority pays great attention to the field of training and qualification of human cadres in all specializations, deepening local manufacturing and transferring and localizing technology. Modern partnership with major international companies in many fields of industry.


He expressed Arab Industrialization's aspiration to enhance industrial cooperation and integration in various fields, noting that the Authority represents the locomotive of Egyptian industry and is interested in linking scientific research with industry and transforming research into innovative products and services that represent scientific solutions to societal problems and challenges.


He explained that the Arab Organization for Industrialization had an early vision of interest in smart manufacturing, programmed machines, automatic control, information network management, and artificial intelligence applications, pointing out that the AOI  in this field is working on four axes, the first axis of which includes establishing a distinguished academy in the Heliopolis region, specialized in spreading the culture of manufacturing. Smart and digital transformation through advanced training programs that meet the needs of the labor market and contribute to developing workers’ skills in accordance with the requirements of the Fourth Industrial Revolution.

He stated that the second axis includes the establishment of a new academy for the AOI  in the Helwan region, which is an educational institution specialized in qualification in the field of welding technology and mechanical equipment.

He pointed out that the aspects of the third axis are preparing a generation of qualified and trained technical workers to deal with the latest manufacturing technologies, through establishing an international school for applied technology in the field of aircraft manufacturing in the Helwan region, and also establishing a school for dual education and training in the Heliopolis region that specializes in multiple fields, including electronic and control industries. Automation and operation of CNC machines.

He added that the fourth axis represented an alliance with many international and local academic and research bodies with the aim of developing products and finding solutions to problems on scientific grounds and in a way that meets customer requirements, noting that the Arab Academy for Science, Technology and Maritime Transport is one of the most prominent and important of these academic bodies, and there is joint cooperation with it in Many fields, including (training, manufacturing spare parts, and implementing research projects).


For his part, Professor Dr. Ismail Abdel Ghaffar Ismail Farag welcomed the attendees and spoke about the distinguished position that the Arab Academy for Science, Technology and Maritime Transport has enjoyed among local, regional and international universities, indicating that it is now considered one of the largest universities in the region, as it currently includes (15) Colleges. These colleges compete in the quality of education with the largest universities at the international level, and all of them have obtained international accreditations.

Abdel Ghaffar stressed the importance of continuous development in light of the presence of rapid and successive global challenges, including digital transformation and artificial intelligence technologies, noting that the Academy’s Advisory Council is the link between the academic and industrial communities, for the purpose of continuous development in the educational process, in light of contemporary challenges. As well as labor market requirements.


Within the framework of the activities of the sixth session of the Academy’s Advisory Council for Industry, the Arab Academy for Science, Technology and Transport, in the presence of Major Genera l Mokhtar Abdel Latif Chairman  of the Arab Organization for Industrialization, was honored to present a queue of students from the College of Maritime Transport and Technology at the main headquarters in Abu Qir, and to honor some of the outstanding students with their participation. With Professor Dr. Ismail Abdel Ghaffar Ismail Farag, President of the Academy, and in the presence of Professor Dr. Yousry El-Gamal, former Minister of Education and Advisor to the President of the Academy, Professor Dr. Jacqueline Azer, Deputy Governor of Alexandria, and Major General. Hussein Al-Jaziri, Chairman of the Authority. Egyptian Maritime Safety, Professor Dr. Iman Morsi, Assistant President of the Academy for Training, and a group of representatives of companies, bodies and unions.


The activities of the sixth session also included a review of the research projects of the academy’s students, in cooperation with and including the Arab Organization for Industrialization

Implementing a joint research sample to manufacture a golf cart powered by a lithium battery and solar energy through the Qadir Factory for Advanced Industries, affiliated with the Arab Organization for Industrialization.

And also implementing (2) research projects for the benefit of the Maritime Academy for Science, Technology and Maritime Transport through the Authority’s engine factory, represented by:

The first research project: “Manufacturing a vertical axis wind turbine as a source of renewable energy using artificial intelligence.”

The second research project: “Manufacturing a fan with negative flow control to reduce noise and increase efficiency and be used in launch propellers.”

On the sidelines of the participation activities, an interview was held between the Chairman of the Arab Organization for Industrialization and the Chinese Consul in Cairo, in which the developments in work on existing joint projects between the AOI  and major Chinese companies were discussed, in addition to discussing strengthening cooperation in the field of training human cadres and achieving benefit from global Chinese expertise in many areas. of new industries by exploiting the advanced manufacturing capabilities of the Arab Organization for Industrialization.